Friday, January 24, 2020

My First "Project"! (It's nothing to write home about...)

...but I'm still going to write about it!

Here it is:

What is it? I think it's a hotpad. This is a single stitch "pattern" (I guess that's the word?) I love this yarn, though! I love a good seasonal hotpad, and my Valentine's Day collection is a little thin, so this will help me boost that up a bit. 

I know this isn't good. It's a bit misshapen and my stitches aren't consistent, but I do think I got better as I went along. 

Now, if you recall, my end goal was to create seven of these to gift to my students. I think I could go ahead and do that now (though the student who gets the one I create LAST probably gets the one that is BEST), but I'm going to try to master some other stitches before I start creating their hotpads/dishrags. Also,  I would be kind of embarrassed to give that first one away to anyone. 

I also saw this over the weekend and I really liked the sentiment:

I hope my students who have taken up a new hobby can really embrace this. I love that it's possible to be a complete failure at whatever it is we try to learn, but not fail this overall project. Personally, I think as soon as a hobby turns into a moneymaker, it's no longer FUN and becomes WORK. I have a friend who is a photographer and does a lot of sports photography. He just gives the pictures he takes away for FREE. I always used to tell him he should sell them! He would say, "No--then it becomes work!" I do know of a venue that would accept my crochet goods to sell as a fundraiser (no money for me), and if I ever DID get good enough to participate in that, I think I would, but this is still a good hobby even if I can't ever advance past mediocre dish rags. 

Of course, if you are great at something and can monetize it and doing so doesn't kill your joy, do you! There's nothing wrong with being compensated for your time and talent. What do you think? Do you agree?

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